Tickets are on sale now for CYT's Spring shows! Your family can sell tickets to earn CYT Bucks, CYT shirts and event invitations! Please be sure to read the following information - it will answer a lot of your ticket related questions, including where and how to redeem complimentary tickets and gives some new guidelines for the ticket contest. # of regular tickets sold (during 1 session) Earn 10 - 19 10 CYT Bucks 20 - 29 20 CYT Bucks 30 - 39 30 CYT Bucks 40 - 49 40 CYT Bucks 50 - 64 50 CYT Bucks 65 - 79 65 CYT Bucks + CYT show tshirt 80 - 99 80 CYT Bucks + CYT show hoodie 100 - 124 100 CYT Bucks + CYT show hoodie + Mary Poppins Ticket (June 2011) 125+ (start again at the beginning with 135+ tickets) 125 CYT Bucks + CYT show hoodie + 2 Mary Poppins Tickets PLUS! Sell 30 or more tickets to your show, and receive an invitation to The Director's Event!...